San diego gay bars the hole

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Like all bars and music venues, Bar Pink has been extremely financially challenged during the pandemic, attempting to sell to-go cocktails to survive, but had struggled throughout. And they'll never again luck into a free show fronted by Bar Pink co-owner and Rocket From the Crypt frontman John 'Swami' Reis.

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San Diego's smoothest daytime bartender, Lorenzo, will never again greet them as they walk, temporarily blinded, into the darkest, pinkest bar they ever entered. It's hard to believe, but San Diegans will never walk into 3829 30th Street in the heart of San Diego's hippest 'hood and see the pink-haired Robin and blond-coiffed Barb ever again.

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After struggling to survive during the coronavirus closure for seven months, the landmark North Park watering hole Bar Pink is permanently shutting down.

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